I work at nights so I only get to do bedtime with my daughter on weekends. But this Saturday night was extra special. This is the first time she cuddled me and fell asleep. Before, I usually just lie beside her and she would be like a flopping fish out of the water and bam, she's asleep. I am still not moving, savoring this moment, and trying to immortalize this moment with a blog entry and a picture.
Our bedtime routine is puff (what we call her maintenance asthma med), brush teeth, no 1 and no 2 (she has taken to like eating carrots from the ampalayang atsara Ate Emily made), change pajamas, pray and read a book. For tonight, I have started asking her to read with me instead of reading to her. I initially chose a book but she said she will chose one. She chose Where is my Mother? . It was one of the first books I read to her when she was younger. Her grades in Reading triggered the read with me routine (we got her card during the PTC today). It was her lowest subject - 91. Next is Math at 92 then Language and Science at 93. This brings to me to another topic.
I am happy with how we have structured her studying habits at home. Since we have decided to let go of her bantay/tutor due to many reasons (but she was very nice), bibi and I have taken turns to guide her in her assignments and lessons. Once she gets home from school, we do her assignments. In the evening, bibi will review. Bibi said he asked buting if she enjoys doing her assignments with mommy and daddy and she said yes. She also tells that to her teacher (per Teacher Lea during the PTC).
She is growing up to be a well behaved and smart kid. I am happy her teacher calls her pakunswelo due to the 5 rowdy boys in her class. The teacher also mentioned that buting has a group of friends - Kate and Nervy. They are girls taller than her and it seems that they are treating buting as their doll. Buting talks about Nervy a lot and she always tella us that she is her friend. Buting even gave her a gift because she told us that we need to buy her a gift since it's Nervy's birthday tomorrow. It was always tomorrow.
Anyway, these are random thoughts as I stay still with my little girl's arms around my arms and her legs on my thigh. Happy mommy moment.